Happiness is a fuzzy concept. To be happy can mean something different from one person to another, or from one day to the next.
JoyNet links expressions of happiness together to create a constellation of connected experiences.
JoyNet builds on the work of HappyDB, a database of 100,000 happy moments crowdsourced from users who were asked to recall experiences of happiness from the past 24 hours.
There were no modifications made to the original dataset beyond removing results greater than a certain character length. There may be the occasional NSFW result.
This project owes much to the work of the researchers behind HappyDB: Akari Asai, Sara Evensen, Behzad Golshan, Alon Halevy, Vivian Li, Andrei Lopatenko, Daniela Stepanov, Yoshihiko Suhara, Wang-Chiew Tan, Yinzhan Xu, ``HappyDB: A Corpus of 100,000 Crowdsourced Happy Moments'', LREC '18, May 2018. (to appear)